September 19, 2024 from 4pm to 6pm at EPFL, building BC 410. The event will be followed by a networking aperitif at 6pm.
Alliance is pleased to invite you to the next Brainstorming! Join us for a brainstorming session between peers and academic institutions, on an issue raised by AISA Automation SA.
For health or environmental reasons, a number of materials are gradually being banned by law. However, these bans do not always take all uses into account, and the industry has to find alternatives that are often dependent on advances in science and new technologies. These are often global challenges, to which each company must respond individually.
This is the situation facing AISA Automation SA as a result of the PFAS ban. The company, which specializes in machinery and the production of laminated plastic tubes, now has to get rid of a Teflon component in its equipment and find a solution to ensure the continuity and quality of its production.
The Brainstorming session will be followed by two presentations, from a university and from the Bcomp company, which will focus on academic research into alternatives and innovative solutions to problematic materials.
Free event, registration open until September 16, 2024. Limited number of places available.